SNCF steam locomotives

All dimensions metric: lengths in mm, areas in m2, weights in metric tons, pressures in atmospheres.

Class Axle
Diameter x Stroke
B.P. Ad.
030A C 1300 460x640 10 35 35 1.4 116 none  
030C C 1430 460x640 11 41 41 1.5 155 none Etat
030W C 1575 430x610 12.7 37 37 1.5 99 7 WD Dean Goods
030TB Ct 1100 450x550 13 51 51 1.6 108 none Hannibal
030TU Ct 1370 420x610 14.8 46 46 1.8 81 none USATC S100
030TW Ct 1400 455x660 11 50 50 1.5 99 none LMS 3F Tank
030TX Ct 1100 430x550 13 46 46 1.4 59 21 ELNA 4
040B D 1250 520x630 12 53 53 2.3 149 none Est: KPEV G71
040D D 1350 600x660 14 70 70 2.7 144 52 KPEV G81
040TA Dt 1260 480x660 12 61 61 2.3 103 none Est
040TA Dt 1300 500x650 10 60 60 2.1 125 none Ex Nord 4.801
040TA Dt 1300 480x600 12 63 63 1.8 110 none Etat
040TB Dt 1300 610x630 10 75 75 2.3 143 none PLM, ex 121A
040TC Dt 1250 500x600 12 60 60 1.8 116 none Est: KPEV T13
040TD Dt 1260 480x660 12 61 61 2.3 103 none Nord
040TX Dt 1100 520x550 12 55 55 1.8 88 31 ELNA 6
050A E 1255 590x630 14 69 69 3.4 135 34 PLM: Kk 80.9
050B E 1400 630x660 12 77 77 2.6 142 59 Est: KPEV G10
050TA Et 1350 610x660 12 85 85 2.3 129 45 Est: KPEV T161
050TA Et 1350 630x660 12 88 88 2.7 141 40 P.-O.
050TD Et 1350 610x660 14 92 92 2.3 148 none Nord
050TQ Et 1350 630x660 12 95 95 2.8 143 38  
120A 1B 1940 420x560   9 25 34 1.3 105 none Etat
121A 1'B1' 2000 500x620 10 31 50 2.3 143 none PLM
130A 1'C 1420 410(1)/620(1)x660 15 40 52 2.1 145 none Est
130B 1'C 1420 410x660 15 40 52 2.1 145 none Est
130D 1'C 1390 500x650 13 51 63 2.5 133 36 P.-O.
130TC 1'Ct 1500 540x630 12 50 67 1.7 108 33 Est: KPEV T12
131TB 1'C1't 1420 510x660 13 48 77 2.1 107 39 Est
140A 1'D 1550 420x640:570x700 16 72 82 3.2 141 45 Nord
140B 1'D 1420 535x710 12.6 67 74 3.0 205 none Nord
140B 1'D 1500 380/600x650 16 64 74 3.1 175 65 PLM
140C 1'D 1440 590x650 12 66 75 3.2 170 37 ALVF
140E 1'D 1650 380/600x650 16 67 75 3.1 175 65 PLM
140G 1'D 1420 535x710 12.6 68 75 3.0 163 47 "Pershing"
140H 1'D 1440 585x660 12 64 72 3.2 142 48 "Bossues"
140J 1'D 1650 580x650 14 59 71 3.0 140 45  
140L 1'D 1500 400/600x650 16 64 74 3.1 175 65  
140U 1'D 1450 483x660 15.8 63 73 3.8 164 44 USATC S160
140W 1'D 1435 485x710 12 61 72 2.7 144 35 WD Austerity
141B 1'D1' 1650 620x700 12 73 93 3.9 207 62 Etat
141B 1'D1' 1650 510x650:720x700 16 71 94 4.3 219 71 PLM
141C 1'D1' 1650 620x700 14 73 93 3.9 207 64 Etat
141C 1'D1' 1650 510x650:720x700 16 70 95 4.3 220 71 PLM
141E 1'D1' 1650 620x700 14 74 96 3.9 190 77 Etat
141E 1'D1' 1650 510x650:720x700 16 74 99 4.3 197 79 PLM
141P 1'D1' 1650 410/640x700 20 76 112 4.3 202 87  
141R 1'D1' 1650 597x711 15.5 80 115 5.2 251 65  
141TA 1'D1't 1350 600x660 12 63 94 2.5 133 51 Est: KPEV T14
141TA 1'D1't 1420 535x710 13 70 89 3.0 172 none Nord
141TA 1'D1't 1400 600x650 13 68 93 2.7 136 41 P.-O.
141TB 1'D1't 1580 550x660 14 66 88 2.4 127 37 Est
141TB 1'D1't 1650 620x700 16 75 107 2.7 136 41 P.-O.
141TC 1'D1't 1550 585x700 18 88 123 3.1 201 65 Nord, ex 640x700
141TC 1'D1't 1540 600x650 13 70 96 2.8 170 50 Etat
141TD 1'D1't 1420 510x660(3) 16 75 107 2.8 140 36 Est, Etat
150A 1'E 1550 490x640:680x700 16 88 99 3.2 252 62 Nord
150B 1'E 1550 490x640:680x700 18 91 104 3.5 196 61 Nord
150D 1'E 1400 560x660(3) 14 86 101 3.3 211 81 Saxon XIII H
150E 1'E 1400 560x660(3) 14 83 97 3.3 196 78 Est
150P 1'E 1550 490x640:680x700 18 91 105 3.6 194 82  
150X 1'E 1400 550x660(3) 16 96 110 4.6 238 100 DRG 44
150Y 1'E 1400 600x660 16 76 84 3.9 178 69 DRG 52
151A 1'E1' 1500 480x650:745x700 20 93 122 5.0 244 92  
151TA 1'E1't 1350 630x660 14 91 120 3.1 185 54 Est, "Lorraine"
151TC 1'E1't 1350 560x660(3) 14 92 122 3.1 188 67 Est
151TQ 1'E1't 1350 630x660 14 88 118 3.6 168 89  
160A 1'F 1400 520/520x540:640x650 18 120 138 4.4 218 72/111 (H.P./L.P. sup.)
220A 2'B 2090 350x640:550x660 16 38 59 2.5 208 none Est
220A 2'B 2010 340/540x620 15 35 57 2.5 190 none PLM
220TA 2'Bt 1665 420x600 10 28 43 1.6 86 none Nord
221A 2'B1' 2040 390/560x640 16 38 70 2.7 220 none Nord, ex 340/560
221A 2'B1' 2000 360/600x640 16 35 72 3.1 239 none P.-O.
221A 2'B1' 2000 340/540x650 16 34 70 3.0 155 60 PLM
221B 2'B1' 2000 340/540x650 16 37 76 3.0 155 60 PLM, streamlined
221TQ 2'B1t 1250 200x280(V12) 20 40 79 2.2 116 40 Uniflow, 42:11 gear
222TA 2'B2't 1665 430x600 12 33 64 2.0 125 none Nord
230A 2'C 1750 350/550x640 15 44 62 2.4 186 none  
230B 2'C 1750 350/550x640 15 48 68 2.5 205 none Est
230B 2'C 1750 350/550x640 15 44 60 2.5 188 none Etat
230B 2'C 2000 340/560x650 16 51 71 3.0 214 total PLM
230C 2'C 1800 370/590x650 16 52 74 3.1 247 none PLM
230C 2'C 1750 575x630 12 52 78 2.6 142 59 Nord: KPEV P8
230D 2'C 1750 380/550x640 16 51 71 2.8 220 none Nord
230D 2'C 1750 495x660 12 47 62 2.4 191 none Etat: HR 140
230E 2'C 1980 500x630(3) 14 53 81 2.9 156 62 Est: KPEV S102
230E 2'C 2000 370/540x650 20 53 74 Velox boiler PLM
230F 2'C 1750 575x630 12 52 78 2.6 142 59 Est: KPEV P8
230G 2'C 1750 500x650 12 49 68 2.7 133 37 P.-O.
230K 2'C 2100 370/590x680 18 57 82 3.2 146 46 Est
230K 2'C 1750 500x650 12 49 68 2.8 133 37 Etat
230TB 2'Ct 1750 575x630 12 49 76 1.9 134 39 KPEV T10
231A 2'C1' 2040 380/600x660 15 48 82 3.2 200 39 Est: A.-L. S12
231A 2'C1' 2040 410/600x660 16 49 86 3.2 213 48 Nord
231A 2'C1' 1870 425x610:650x670 15 48 90 4.5 209 50 Etat: Bav. S3/6
231A 2'C1' 1850 420/640x650 16 53 92 4.3 257 none P.-O.
231B 2'C1' 1950 420/640x650 17 55 97 4.3 196 80 Est
231B 2'C1' 1940 400/660x640 16 53 91 4.0 283 none Etat
231C 2'C1' 1900 440x660:620x690 17 57 103 3.5 196 61 Nord Super-Pacific
231C 2'C1' 2000 440/650x650 16 56 100 4.3 206 68 PLM
231D 2'C1' 1900 640x700 17 57 101 3.5 196 67 Nord
231D 2'C1' 1940 420/640x650 16 59 103 4.3 198 77 Etat
231D 2'C1' 1950 620x650 12 54 93 4.7 223 72 P.-O.
231D 2'C1' 2000 440/650x650 16 56 95 4.3 218 71 PLM
231E 2'C1' 1950 420/640x650 17 56 100 4.3 185 73  
231F 2'C1' 1950 420/640x650 17 56 100 4.3 199 80 P.-O.
231G 2'C1' 2000 440/650x650 16 56 96 4.3 204 70 PLM design
231H 2'C1' 2000 400/650x650 20 57 100 4.3 204 70 PLM design
231K 2'C1' 1980 450/660x660 16.5 57 100 4.3 207 68  
232P 2'Co2' 1560 150x255(18) 60 65 123 3.5 144 48 2:1 gearing
232Q 2'Co2' 1500 Turbines: 3000hp 25 59 122 4.9 211 90 2:1 gearing
232R 2'C2' 2000 540x700(3) 20 69 124 5.2 195 64  
232S 2'C2' 2000 455/680x720 20 66 127 5.2 195 64  
232U 2'C2' 2000 445/680x700 20 69 133 5.2 195 87  
232TA 2'C2't 1665 460x600 12 48 85 2.2 175 none Nord
232TC 2'C2't 1650 560x630 12 51 105 2.4 138 49 KPEV T18
240A 2'D 1500 380/600x650 16 60 76 3.1 175 65 P.-O.
240P 2'D 1850 440x650:650x690 20 80 113 3.8 213 68  
241A 2'D1' 1950 425/660x720 20 77 122 4.4 224 70 Est
241A 2'D1' 1790 510x650:720x700 16 74 115 5.0 256 114 PLM
241C 2'D1' 2000 450x650:680x700 20 79 126 5.0 248 92 PLM
241E 2'D1' 1790 480x650:680x700 16 76 122 5.0 242 87 PLM
241P 2'D1' 2000 445x650:675x700 20 82 132 5.0 245 108  
242A 2'D2' 1950 600x720(1):680x760 20 84 148 5.0 253 120  
242TA 2'D2't 1660 420/630x650 16 68 122 3.1 157 48 Est: A.-L. T20
242TA 2'D2't 1650 420/630x650 16 65 120 3.1 173 45 PLM, piston valves
242TB 2'D2't 1650 420/630x650 16 65 120 3.1 173 45 PLM, Lentz valves
242TC 2'D2't 1500 420/630x650 16 64 117 3.1 173 45 PLM, piston valves
242TD 2'D2't 1500 420/630x650 16 64 117 3.1 173 45 PLM, Lentz valves

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