![]() Mathematics 201B: Introduction to ProofsInstructor: Jonathan Smith, 496 Carver, 4-8172 (voice mail) e-mail: jdhsmithATmathDOTiastateDOTedu (substitute punctuation)
Office Hours: Mon. 10am, 3:10 pm, 5:30pm; Wed. 10am, 3:10pm (subject to change)
Grading: 80% for in-class assignments (at random times), homework, and class participation; 20% for the final.
Textbook: T.A. Sundstrom, Mathematical Reasoning: Writing and Proof, 2nd ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-187718-6
Study Plan: Regular attendance and participation in class activities are the prerequisites for success. Except in extreme circumstances, no accommodation can be given for failure to meet this responsibility.
AssignmentsClick here for a copy of the Practice Final in Portable Document Format.11/28 for 12/05 (graded):
10/31 for 11/7 (graded): Sec. 5.1, Ex. 3(b); Sec. 5.2, Ex. 4, 12. In Ex. 12, use "pi radians" rather than "180 degrees." Also, "Part (1)" and "Part (2)" mean "Part (a)" and "Part (b)." Recall that a polygon is convex if for any two points A and B inside the polygon, the straight line segment joining A and B stays entirely inside the polygon. 10/29 for 10/31: Sec. 5.1, Ex. 3(a). 10/19 for 10/24 (graded): Sec. 3.2, Ex. 4, 5(b)(c), 15 [use contrapositive for 15, not the "Hint" ! ]. 10/8 for 10/15 (graded): Sec. 3.1, Ex. 8(a), 15(b)(c). 10/1: First in-class test. Click here for a copy of Practice Test #1 in Portable Document Format. 9/17 for 9/21 (graded): Sec. 2.3, Ex. 7; Sec. 2.4, Ex. 1(b),(e),(f). Click here for a copy of Quiz #1 in Portable Document Format. 9/5 for 9/10 (graded): Sec. 1.2, Ex. 7; Sec. 2.1, Ex. 6. 8/29 for 8/31: Read pp.16 - 23, do Ex. 4(a) for Section 1.2. 8/27 for 8/29: Progress Check 1.4 (p. 10). 8/22 for 8/27: Activity 1.5 (p. 10): 1, 3. |