Taiwanese steam locomotives

All dimensions metric: lengths in mm, areas in m2, weights in metric tons, pressures in atmospheres.

Class Axle
Dia. x Str.
B.P. Ad.
BK  1 1'B1't 1245 356x508 11 24 37 1.7 69 none  
BK 10 1'B1't 1245 356x508 10.5 21 37 1.1 66 none JNR 500
BT 40 2'B 1370 406x559 11.2 23 36 1.6 93 none  
CK 50 1'C1't 1245 406x559 11 36 49 1.4 95 none  
CK 80 C1't 1250 406x610 12.6 40 51 1.3 93 none JNR 2120
CK100 1'C1't 1245 406x559 13 41 49 1.2 64 19 Improved CK50
CK120 1'C1't 1400 400x610 14 32 50 1.3 54 20 JNR C12
CT150 1'C 1600 470x610 13 42 49 1.6 89 28 JNR 8620
CT230 1'C 1600 420x610 14 43 53 1.6 82 29 JNR C50
CT240 2'C1' 1600 470x610 12.7 39 63 2.5 131 30 JNR 8900
CT250 2'C1' 1750 510x660 14 47 66 2.5 126 41 JNR C55
CT270 2'C1' 1750 500x660 16 41 68 2.5 126 41 JNR C57
DK500 Dt 850 500x525 11 55 55 1.8 125 none  
DT560 1'D 1250 508x610 12.7 53 61 2.2 131 32  
DT580 1'D 1250 508x610 13 53 60 2.3 128 34 JNR 9600
DT650 1'D1' 1400 550x660 14 58 78 3.3 158 64 JNR D51
EK900 Et 1250 533x610 13 65 65 2.2 118 34 JNR 4140
LCK 20 Ct 735 229x356 11 14 14 0.7 28 none 30in gauge
LCK 30 Ct 810 260x400 12 15 15 0.5 30 none 30in gauge
LDK 50 Dt 710 305x356 12.7 21 21 0.7 39 none 30in gauge
LDT100 1'D1' 900 380x450 13 31 41 2.1 71 27 30in gauge

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