Japanese Steam Locomotives (pre-1919)

All dimensions metric: lengths in mm, areas in m2, weights in metric tons, pressures in atmospheres.

Class Axle
Diameter x Stroke
B.P. Ad
1 Bt 760 203x305 10.5 10 10 0.4 14 none Bagnall
5 Bt 915 330x457   8.4 23 23 0.7 34 none Baldwin
10 Bt 1120 321x500 10.6 26 26 0.8 47 none Krauss
40 Bt 685 180x300 12.7 9 9 0.4 15 none Krauss
45 Bt 800 292x406   7 16 16 0.5 35 none Hohenzollern
50 Bt 660 203x356 12 11 11 0.7 18 none Porter
60 Bt 1190 300x500   9.8 24 24 0.9 39 none Hohenzollern
70 Bt 910 240x360 12 13 13 0.5 19 none Jung
90 1'Bt 915 330x457 11.0 19 27 0.8 42 none Amemiya
100 1'Bt 1220 305x457   9.8 20 27 0.9 55 none Nasmyth Wilson
105 1'Bt 1370 330x508 11 20 26 0.7 41 none Kerr Stuart
110 1'Bt 1220 292x457   7.7 16 22 0.7 51 none YEC
120 1'Bt 1345 330x508   8 18 23 0.9 53 none Stephenson
150 1'Bt 1320 305x457   8.4 18 23 0.8 53 none Vulcan Foundry
160 1'Bt 1295 305x432   8.4 17 22 0.7 49 none Sharp Stewart
170 1'Bt 1370 330x508   9.1 20 28 1.0 55 none KSK
180 1'Bt 1370 330x508   9.8 25 35 0.9 61 none Atsuta
190 1'Bt 1410 305x457   9.8 22 28 0.9 56 none Dübs
200 1'B1't 1065 305x457   9.1 18 27 0.9 36 none Baldwin
205 1'B1't 1015 330x457 13 20 29 1.3 48 none Vulcan Iron Works
210 1'B1't 1090 305x406   9.8 19 27 0.7 40 none Pittsburgh
220 1'B1't 1220 330x457   9.8 18 31 0.8 50 none Dübs
230 1'B1't 1245 356x508 10.6 19 36 1.1 67 none KSK
280 1'B1't 1320 343x508 12.7 19 36 1.1 67 none Nissha
400 1'B1't 1320 343x508   9.1 17 32 1.0 60 none Nasmyth Wilson
450 1'B1't 1320 356x508   9.8 22 36 1.1 67 none Brooks
480 1'B1't 1320 356x508   9.8 21 37 1.1 71 none Krauss
490 1'B1't 1320 343x508   9.8 28 40 1.0 60 none Nasmyth Wilson
500 1'B1't 1320 356x508   9.8 28 40 1.1 67 none Dübs, NW, VF
800 1'B1't 1320 356x508   9.8 20 37 1.1 67 none KSK
810 1'B1't 1245 356x508   9.8 20 37 1.1 67 none KSK
850 1'B1't 1320 356x508   8.4 27 42 1.1 59 none Hyogo Works
860 1'B1't 1345 381(1)/572(1)x508 12.7 22 38 1.2 72 none Kobe Works
870 1'B1't 1370 368x508 10.6 22 36 1.2 74 none Nasmyth Wilson
900 1'B1't 1420 356x559 12.7 27 46 1.7 78 none Schenectady
950 1'B1't 1525 356x508 10.2 22 38 1.1 68 none Baldwin
960 2'B1'T 1400 406x559   9.1 22 41 1.3 93 none Ex 5300
1000 Ct 915 279x406 10.5 16 16 0.7 31 none Baldwin
1000 2'B1't 1520 406x610 11 26 48 1.3 82 none Ex 6350
1010 Ct 965 279x406   9.8 20 20 0.8 33 none Baldwin
1020 Ct 940 305x406   9.1 23 23 0.7 31 none Dickson
1025 Ct 810 330x400 12 21 21 0.7 42 none Jung
1030 Ct 940 330x457 12.4 19 19 0.8 49 none Avonside
1040 Ct 940 330x457   9.8 26 26 0.7 49 none Omiya
1060 2'B2't 1520 394x610 12.0 27 55 1.5 98 none Ex 6120
1070 2'B1't 1520 406x610 11 24 48 1.3 82 none Ex 6200, 6270
1100 Ct 915 330x457   9.8 21 21 0.7 46 none Nasmyth Wilson
1120 Ct 865 292x406 12.6 22 22 0.7 40 none KSK
1150 2'B1't 1520 406x610 11 28 45 1.3 82 none Ex 6300
1170 Ct 915 343x457   8.4 28 28 0.8 50 none Nasmyth Wilson
1180 Ct 915 356x457 12 26 26 0.9 54 none Baldwin
1200 Ct 915 356x457   8.4 28 28 0.8 50 none Nasmyth Wilson
1215 Ct 900 370x450 12.4 29 29 1.3 69 none Koppel
1225 Ct 910 330x450 12.6 25 25 0.9 49 none Nissha
1240 Ct 940 304x457 12 22 22 0.9 32 none Baldwin
1245 Ct 900 330x450 12.5 24 24 0.9 47 none O&K 180hp
1260 Ct 1070 356x508 12.5 33 33 1.0 61 none Nissha
1275 Ct 830 310x400 12.4 25 25 0.7 43 none Koppel
1285 Ct 910 330x450 12.0 26 26 0.9 45 none Henschel
1290 Ct 915 304x432   8.4 17 17 0.6 37 none Manning Wardle
1300 Ct 1040 330x508   8.4 24 24 1.0 48 none Later 1295
1310 Ct 1040 330x508 12.0 31 31 1.0 50 none Baldwin
1320 Ct 1065 356x508   9.8 33 33 1.2 66 none Baldwin
1325 Ct 1115 355x609 11.3 35 35 1.2 64 none ALCo
1340 Ct 915 330x457 12.0 26 26 0.8 41 none Amemiya
1350 Ct 1065 330x508   9.8 29 29 0.7 61 none Pittsburgh
1355 Ct 965 330x508 11.3 30 30 1.0 62 none KSK
1360 Ct 915 356x457   8.4 28 28 0.8 50 none Nasmyth Wilson
1370 Ct 1065 356x457 12 26 26 0.9 54 none Baldwin
1370 C1't 1065 356x457 10 24 28 0.9 54 none Rebuilt
1400 Ct 1090 380x540 11.3 35 35 1.1 78 none Krauss LI
1430 Ct 1090 381x559 12.4 33 33 1.3 74 none Hanomag
1440 Ct 1130 380x540 11.3 35 35 1.1 78 none Krauss LI
1480 Ct 1140 356x508 10.5 32 32 1.0 70 none Dübs
1500 Ct 1250 380x540 12 38 38 1.2 82 none SLM
1530 Ct 1245 381x508   9.8 35 35 1.1 74 none Sharp Stewart
1550 Ct 1220 381x559 11.2 38 38 1.1 72 none Krauss
1630 Ct 800 260x400 12 15 15 0.5 31 none Maffei
1650 Ct 965 279x406 9.8 20 20 0.8 33 none Baldwin
1690 Ct 1090 330x508   9.8 25 25 0.9 52 none Pittsburgh
1700 Ct 1065 356x508 12.5 33 33 1.1 53 none Amemiya
1720 Ct 940 340x400 12.5 25 25 0.9 48 none Nissha
1740 Ct 1070 356x508 12.5 40 40 1.0 61 none Nissha
1745 Ct 1145 368x508 11.2 32 32 1.7 59 none KS "Argentina"
1750 Ct 1120 356x508 12.5 33 33 1.0 61 none Nissha
1760 Ct 1065 340x500 13 31 31 1.0 58 none Nissha
1765 Ct 1065 400x520 13 35 35 1.4 78 none Kawasaki
1800 Ct 1220 381x559   9.8 40 40 1.1 77 none Kitson
1850 Ct 1220 381x559   9.8 42 42 1.1 77 none Dübs, NBL
1900 Ct 1220 381x559   9.8 41 41 1.3 77 none Beyer Peacock
1940 Ct 1220 381x559   9.8 40 40 1.3 80 none Nasmyth Wilson
1960 Ct 1220 381x559   9.8 42 42 1.3 77 none Neilson
1980 Ct 1220 381x559   9.8 42 42 1.3 93 none Brooks
2000 Ct 1220 457x533 12.7 46 46 1.5 93 none Maffei
2040 Ct 1345 430x630 12 41 41 1.2 96 none Hanomag
2060 Ct 1220 381x559 11.2 40 40 1.1 72 none Krauss
2080 Ct 1220 381x559   9.8 40 40 1.3 79 none Nasmyth Wilson
2090 C1't 900 370x500 12.4 30 33 1.3 69 none O&K
2100 C1't 1220 406x610   9.8 38 46 1.3 94 none Dübs, NBL
2120 C1't 1250 406x610 12.6 38 49 1.3 93 none Dübs,SS,NBL,Kobe
2400 C1't 1245 406x610   9.8 40 49 1.3 92 none BMAG,H+S,Hanomag
2500 C1't 1245 406x610 11.2 38 46 1.3 93 none Baldwin
2700 C1't 1370 381x508   9.8 32 37 1.3 74 none 1910 to 3040
2700 C2't 1250 406x610 11.2 40 56 1.3 93 none 1912, ex 2120
2800 1'Ct 1220 381x559 10 31 37 1.1 71 none SLM
2820 1'Ct 1270 432x559   9.8 40 46 1.3 85 none Brooks
2850 1'Ct 1320 330x559   9.8 30 34 0.9 70 none Pittsburgh
2900 1'C1't 1250 406x610 11.2 38 54 1.3 93 none Ex 2500
2920 1'C1't 1120 381x508 11.2 28 38 1.5 65 none Baldwin,Kwski.,Nissha
2930 1'C1't 1115 381x508 12.7 33 43 1.4 70 none Hitachi
2940 1'C1't 1015 356x559 12.6 31 41 1.3 75 none Sakhalin 2 - 8
2950 1'C1't 1115 381x508 12.7 32 40 1.4 70 none Hitachi
3000 1'C1't 1065 305x457 11.2 18 25 1.0 45 none ALCo
3005 1'C1't 915 330x457 11.6 26 31 1.2 41 none Sakhalin 1
3010 1'C1't 1220 356x508 10.5 30 41 1.1 84 none Baldwin
3015 1'C1't 1120 381x508 11.2 28 38 1.5 65 none Kawasaki
3020 1'C1't 1220 356x508 11.6 31 42 1.3 72 none Brooks
3030 1'C1't 1220 381x508   9.8 28 37 1.5 66 none Baldwin
3035 1'C1't 1120 381x508 11.2 30 41 1.5 65 none Baldwin, Ex Ome
3040 1'C1't 1370 381x508   9.8 35 52 1.3 80 none 1910 ex 2700
3045 1'C1't 1220 400x500 12 33 42 1.6 91 none O&K
3050 1'C1't 1220 406x610 11.2 36 51 1.4 92 none Baldwin
3060 1'C1't 1220 406x610   9.8 34 47 1.7 97 none Baldwin
3070 1'C1't 1220 381x559 11 28 38 1.5 71 none KSK: 137 tubes
3070 1'C1't 1220 381x559 11 28 38 1.5 75 none KSK: 166 tubes
3080 1'C1't 1220 406x559   9.8 34 48 1.4 93 none Nasmyth Wilson
3085 1'C1't 1165 406x610 12 33 48 1.4 95 none Henschel
3100 1'C1't 1220 432x559 12.7 50 70 1.6 111 none ALCo
3100 1'C1't 1220 432x559 12 43 64 1.6 111 none Rebuilt
3150 1'C1't 1245 406x610 10.5 37 50 1.4 97 none Kobe Works
3165 1'C1't 1245 406x559 11.2 36 52 2.0 93 none Hanomag
3170 1'C1't 1245 406x610 12.7 42 56 1.9 86 none Hanomag
3200 1'C1't 1245 406x610 12.6 41 57 1.9 87 none Beyer Peacock
3240 1'C1't 1245 432(1)/623(1)x610 14.1 42 59 1.9 86 none Henschel
3250 1'C1't 1270 356x508   9.8 28 36 1.4 57 none Baldwin
3255 1'C1't 1015 356x508 12.6 27 26 1.0 63 none KSK
3300 1'C1't 1270 381x559   9.7 33 45 1.6 82 none Baldwin
3350 1'C1't 1270 381x559 10.5 33 45 1.4 92 none Brooks
3360 1'C1't 1270 279/457x559 13.4 36 49 1.6 82 none Vauclain
3380 1'C1't 1270 292/483x559 12.7 41 56 1.6 91 none Vauclain
3390 1'C1't 1320 356x508   9.8 32 42 1.4 58 none Ex 3250
3400 1'C1't 1320 381x559 10.6 35 44 1.3 87 none Pittsburgh
3418 1'C1't 1220 381x559 10.6 34 45 1.5 92 none Brooks
3420 1'C1't 1220 381x559 12.7 32 44 1.4 75 none KSK
3425 1'C1't 1220 381x559 12.7 30 43 1.5 75 none KSK
3450 1'C1't 1320 381x559 11.2 35 48 1.5 91 none Brooks
3500 1'C1't 1245 279/457x610 11.2 35 56 1.3 93 none Vauclain
3700 1'C2't 1270 292/483x610 12.7 37 60 1.6 88 none Vauclain
3800 2'C1't 1370 432x584 11.2 34 55 2.4 85 none Original
3800 2'C1't 1370 406x584 12.7 34 55 1.6 95 none Rebuilt
3900 Ct 900 390x500 12.4 40 40 1.7 75 none 340x400 rack cyls.
3920 1'Crt 910 394x508 11.2 35 41 1.9 118 none 299x406 rack cyls.
3950 1'C1'rt 910 394x508 11.2 35 47 1.9 118 none 299x406 rack cyls.
3980 1'C1'rt 910 394x508 11.2 37 56 1.9 118 none 299x406 rack cyls.
4000 Dt 910 356x457 10.5 36 36 1.5 57 none Porter
4030 Dt 1065 406x559 10.5 43 43 1.5 82 none Baldwin
4100 Et 1250 533x610 13 62 62 1.9 114 30 Maffei
4110 Et 1250 533x610 13 65 65 2.2 108 33 Kawasaki
4140 Et 1250 533x610 13 65 65 2.2 118 34 Kawasaki
4500 B'Bt 1000 310/490x540 12.4 43 43 1.4 77 none Mallet, Maffei
4510 B'Bt 1145 300/490x530 12.7 44 44 1.4 77 none Mallet, Maffei
4600 B'B 1245 394/622x610 12.7 59 59 2.0 155 none Mallet, ALCo
5000 B1 1410 381x559   9.8 20 26 1.2 76 none Sharp Stewart
5050 1'B1' 1525 356x508 10.2 20 30 1.1 68 none Ex 950
5060 1'B1 1525 254/432x559 11.2 23 37 1.3 84 none Vauclain
5100 2'B 1370 381x508   9.8 19 28 1.1 76 none Ex 7010
5130 2'B 1370 381x559   9.8 18 28 1.1 77 none Kitson
5160 2'B 1370 381x559 11.3 21 33 1.4 93 none Brooks
5200 2'B 1370 381x559   9.8 21 34 1.2 90 none Pittsburgh
5230 2'B 1370 381x559   9.8 18 27 1.1 77 none Dübs
5270 2'B 1370 381x559   9.8 17 27 1.1 77 none Omiya Works
5300 2'B 1370 394x559   9.1 20 28 1.3 83 none BP, Neilson
5480 2'B 1370 394x559   9.1 20 28 1.3 75 none Hyogo Works
5490 2'Bt 1370 394x559   9.1 23 33 1.3 84 none Later 2'B
5500 2'B 1370 406x559 11.3 22 34 1.3 80 none Beyer Peacock
5600 2'B 1370 406x559 10.5 23 35 1.6 90 none Beyer Peacock
5650 2'B 1370 406x559 10.5 21 32 1.3 79 none Sharp Stewart
5680 2'B 1395 406x559   9.8 22 32 1.3 81 none Kobe Works
5700 2'B 1370 406x610 11.2 26 41 1.5 100 none ALCo
5800 2'B 1370 406x610 11.3 25 39 1.5 100 none Baldwin
5830 2'B 1370 432x584 11.2 26 40 2.4 88 none Original
5830 2'B 1370 406x584 12.7 27 40 1.6 95 none Rebuilt
5860 2'B 1520 356x610 11.2 22 32 1.3 81 none Brooks
5900 2'B 1520 381x559 10.2 23 34 1.4 85 none Baldwin
5950 2'B 1520 381x559 10.2 25 34 1.2 87 none Rogers
6000 2'B 1500 432(1)/635(1)x610 12.7 24 39 1.2 97 none ALCo
6050 2'B 1520 394x610 13.4 24 37 1.5 98 none Piston valve 6120
6100 2'B 1520 381x610 12.7 25 36 1.5 98 none Hyogo Works
6120 2'B 1520 394x610 13.4 24 37 1.5 98 none Schenectady
6150 2'B 1520 406x610 13.4 23 34 1.3 91 none Baldwin
6200 2'B 1520 406x610 11.2 21 32 1.3 82 none Neilson
6250 2'B 1520 381x610 12 21 34 1.3 43 15 Ex 6200, 6270
6270 2'B 1520 406x610 11.2 21 32 1.3 82 none Dübs
6300 2'B 1520 406x610 11.3 22 34 1.3 82 none ALCo
6350 2'B 1520 406x610 11.3 20 33 1.3 82 none Hanomag
6400 2'B 1520 406x610 11.3 24 37 1.5 97 none ALCo
6500 2'B 1575 432(1)/635(1)x610 12.7 25 41 1.2 97 none Pittsburgh
6600 2'B1' 1420 406x559 12.7 28 46 2.8 145 none Baldwin
6619 2'B1' 1420 406x559 12.7 28 46 2.8 102 none Wootten firebox
6700 2'B 1600 406x610 12.7 29 46 1.6 105 none Kawasaki, KSK
6750 2'B 1600 470x610 12.7 27 44 1.6 80 21 Kawasaki
6760 2'B 1600 470x610 12.7 27 45 1.6 89 28 Kawasaki
7000 C 835 229x343   7 10 10 0.3 20 none Baldwin
7010 C 1090 356x508   9.8 27 27 1.1 79 none Kitson
7030 C 1065 356x559   9.8 24 24 1.1 76 none Vulcan
7050 C1' 1400 432x610 11.3 38 47 2.2 139 none Dübs
7080 C1' 1400 445x610 11.2 37 45 2.2 134 none Beyer Peacock
7100 1'C 915 305x406   7.7 14 16 0.9 41 none Porter
7150 1'C 915 305x406   7 14 16 0.9 45 none Temiya Works
7170 1'C 1015 356x457   7.7 20 24 1.1 70 none Baldwin
7200 1'C 1065 356x457   9.9 22 26 1.1 70 none Baldwin
7225 1'C 1215 432x556 12 34 40 1.5 99 none Baldwin
7270 1'C 1065 381x457 11.3 27 31 1.0 89 none Brooks, KSK
7300 1'C 1065 381x457 10.9 31 35 1.3 93 none Baldwin
7350 1'C 1065 381x457 11.3 31 36 1.3 89 none Rogers
7400 1'C 1065 406x457 11.3 29 33 1.5 90 none Baldwin
7450 1'Ct+t 1140 406x559   9.8 34 38 1.5 91 none Kitson
7500 1'C 1220 406x508 11.3 34 40 1.4 90 none Baldwin
7550 1'C 1220 406x508 11.3 34 39 1.3 82 none ALCo
7600 1'Ct+t 1220 406x559 11.2 39 43 1.5 92 none Nasmyth Wilson
7650 1'C 1220 432x559 11.2 34 39 1.4 95 none Brooks
7700 1'Ct+t 1220 432x559 11.3 34 39 1.5 91 none Beyer Peacock
7712 1'C 1220 432x559 11.3 34 40 1.5 96 none Beyer Peacock
7720 1'C 1220 406x559 13 28 32 1.5 65 20 Sakhalin 60
7724 1'C 1250 406x559 13 28 32 1.5 65 20 Sakhalin 64
7750 1'C 1220 432(1)/635(1)x559 12.7 37 42 1.5 92 none 7750/1 orig.
7750 1'C 1220 432x559 11.2 38 41 1.5 92 none Neilson
7800 1'C 1220 432x559 11.2 37 42 1.5 92 none North British
7850 1'Ct+t 1250 406x559 12.7 37 42 1.5 92 none North British
7900 1'Ct+t 1245 432x559 10.2 37 42 1.4 90 none Kobe Works
7950 1'C 1220 406x610 11.4 35 40 1.4 94 none Rogers
8000 1'C 1220 432x559   9.8 32 37 1.5 107 none Baldwin
8050 1'C 1220 279/483x559 12.7 30 36 1.5 102 none Vauclain
8100 1'C 1220 432x610 11.3 36 38 1.7 106 none Baldwin
8150 1'C 1220 457x559   9.8 34 39 1.7 116 none Baldwin
8200 1'C 1270 406x559 10.5 33 39 1.6 90 none Baldwin
8250 1'C 1270 330/559x610 13.4 41 49 2.0 111 none Vauclain
8300 1'C 1320 457(1)/737(1)x610 12.7 39 45 1.6 117 none Alco
8350 1'C 1370 406x559 11.2 34 39 1.5 93 none Baldwin
8380 1'C 1370 406x559 12.7 33 39 1.7 113 none Baldwin
8400 1'C 1370 406x559 11.2 34 40 1.5 102 none Rogers
8450 1'C 1370 292/483x559 11.3 35 40 1.9 92 none Vauclain
8500 1'C 1370 292/483x559 12.7 36 41 1.6 90 none Vauclain
8500 1'C 1370 432x610 12.7 38 45 1.6 83 28 Ex 8550
8550 1'C 1370 432x610 12.7 37 42 1.6 106 none ALCo
8620 1'C 1600 470x610 12.7 42 49 1.6 89 28  
8700 2'C 1600 445x610 12.7 36 48 1.9 133 none North British
8712 2'C 1600 445x610 12.7 38 50 1.9 133 none KSK
8700 2'C 1600 470x610 12.7 37 50 1.9 101 34 Reboilered
8800 2'C 1600 470x610 12.7 37 51 1.9 112 27 Schwartzkopff
8800 2'C 1600 470x610 13 40 54 1.9 95 36 Reboilered
8850 2'C 1600 470x610 12.7 39 56 1.8 111 28 Borsig et al.
8850 2'C 1600 470x610 13 40 58 1.8 102 34 Reboilered
8900 2'C1' 1600 470x610 12.7 39 63 2.5 131 30 ALCo et al.
9020 (1B)'B 1245 394/622x610 12.7 58 62 2.0 155 none Ex 4600
9030 1'D 1065 406x508 11.3 37 42 1.3 99 none Baldwin
9040 1'D 1065 406x508   9.8 36 39 1.6 107 none Baldwin, was 9000
9050 1'D 1065 406x508 11.3 38 43 1.6 99 none ALCo
9150 1'Dt+t 1090 457x559 10.5 41 49 1.7 110 none Original
9150 1'Dt+t 1250 457x559 12.7 43 49 1.7 111 none Rebuilt
9200 1'D 1100 457x559 12 43 49 1.9 117 none Baldwin 1905
9202 D 1100 457x559 12 45 45 1.9 117 none 1916 - 1921
9300 1'D 1100 457x610 12.7 47 53 2.3 165 none Baldwin
9400 1'D 1140 457x610 12.7 50 55 2.3 167 none ALCo
9500 1'D 1220 406x610 12.7 41 46 1.7 113 none ALCo
9550 1'D 1245 457x610 12.7 54 61 1.9 153 none Kawasaki
9580 1'D 1245 483x610 12.7 54 61 1.9 123 37 Kawasaki
9600 1'D 1250 508x610 12.7 53 60 2.3 118 35  
9700 1'D1' 1145 470x610 12.7 44 56 2.8 207 none Baldwin
9715 1'D1' 1145 470x610 12.7 44 56 2.8 154 none Ex 9700
9750 C'C 1245 394/622x610 14 65 65 2.0 121 31 Mallet, ALCo
9800 C'C 1245 406/635x610 14 66 66 2.0 165 30 Mallet, Baldwin
9850 C'C 1245 406/635x610 14 69 69 2.1 125 36 Mallet, Henschel

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