![]() Mathematics 510: Linear AlgebraInstructor: Jonathan Smith, 496 Carver, 4-8172 (voice mail) e-mail: jdhsmithATmathDOTiastateDOTedu (substitute punctuation) Office Hours: Mondays 10am-12noon, 2-3pm, 5:20-6:20pm; Wednesdays 10-11am (subject to change). Grading: based on three graded homework assignments (45%), mid-term [Monday March 10, 9-9:50am, Carver 4] (25%), and final [Monday May 5, 7:30-9:30am, Carver 4] (30%). Textbook: R.A. Horn & C.R. Johnson, Matrix Analysis, Cambridge University Press, 1985. ISBN 0-521-30586-1.
Library Reserve:
Study plan: reserve 1 - 2 hours for homework between each pair of classes. Successful performance in the class depends critically on completion of the homework assignments. Syllabus:
AssignmentsClick here for final in Portable Document Format 4/23 for 4/25: 3.2 7, 8, 9. 4/21 for 4/23: 3.2 3, 6. 4/18 for 4/21: 3.1 1, 3.2 5. 4/16 for 4/18: Exercise towards bottom of page 91. 4/11 for 4/16: 7.3 1, 3. Third graded homework due 4/11: Three questions from 4.1 6, 11, 4.3 15, 7.1 1, 4. 4/2 for 4/4: Three Exercises at bottom of page 404. 3/31 for 4/2: 4.3 5, 16. 3/28 for 3/31: 4.2 1. 3/26 for 3/28: 4.2 2, 3. 3/24 for 3/26: 4.1 1 ("Hermitian" part only), 4, 10. Click here for mid-term in Portable Document Format 3/3 for 3/5: 2.5 8. Also: prove that G, H Hermitian (and of the same size) imply (1/2i)(GH-HG) Hermitian. 2/28 for 3/3: 2.5 1, 15, 25 ("complex" part only). 2/26 for 2/28: 1.3 11. 2/21 for 2/26: 1.4 1, 4, 10, 1.1 8, Exercise at top of page 60. Second graded homework due 2/21: Three questions from 1.2 4, 8 (prove the "assumption" as well), 2.1 7, 12, 2.2 8. 2/12 for 2/14: 2.1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 2/10 for 2/12: Exercise at bottom of page 66. First graded homework due 2/7: Three questions from 1.3 6, 7, 5, 8, 10. 1/29 for 1/31: Exercise at bottom of page 45, then first three Exercises at top of page 46. 1/27 for 1/29:
1/22 for 1/27:
1/15 for 1/22: 1.1 3, 4, 5. 1.2 3, 7. 1/13 for 1/15: 1.1 1, 2. |