![]() CAS 503: Concepts and TechniquesThis class is team-taught (MWF 10). Here is the syllabus for my week.Instructor: Jonathan Smith, 496 Carver, 4-8172 (voice mail) e-mail: jdhsmithATmathDOTiastateDOTedu (substitute punctuation) MondayTopic: EntropyReference: Some observations on the concepts of information-theoretic entropy and randomness, Entropy 3 (2001), pp. 1-11 (electronic journal). WednesdayTopic: Competition - a model systemReference: Competition and the Canonical Ensemble, Math. Biosci. 133 (1996), 69-83. FridayTopic: Complex systemsReference: Three key questions about complex systems, Semiotics, Evolution, Energy, and Development 2 (2002) No.3, 13 pages (electronic journal). |