Lexicographic order
- Aging
- When the mind remembers worse and the body remembers better.
- AI
- Algorithmic idiocy.
- American Civil War (nineteenth century)
- The Blue and the Gray.
- American Civil War (twenty-first century)
- The Blue and the Red.
- American Mathematical Society
- The home of genre mathematics.
- Apparel
- Raw material from which lint is produced.
- Apple
- A morbid reminder of Turing's demise.
- Atheist
- The ant that doesn't know the ant colony.
- Baseball
- Better playing through chemistry.
- Bell, Alexander Graham (1847 - 1922)
- The man who made tele-marketing possible.
- Better dead than red
- Hating communist German walls and communist Romanian abortion bans.
- Bibliometrics
- The art of judging a book by its cover.
- Birther
- Person not recognizing the Sandwich Islands as part of the Union.
- Branded goods
- Frigidaire stoves and Hotpoint refrigerators.
- Brexit
- Abandoning the A4 paper and opting for the foolscap.
- Business suit
- A costume which makes the wearer's thought and speech become wooly.
- Butyric acid
- Ingredient in vomit and Hershey's chocolate.
- Cell phone
- Electronic monitoring device.
- Charitable contribution to Israel
- ... gets you tax relief.
- Charitable contribution to Palestine
- ... gets you arrested.
- Clinton era
- When a president's dishonesty went no further than his sexual peccadillos.
- Commercial demockracy
- Features the very finest politicians that money can buy.
- Commercial demockracy - millennium edition
- Selecting the one with the most money, not the most votes.
- Commercial demockracy - 2004 edition
- Which Skull-and-Bones Yalie do you want?
- Commercial demockracy - 2008 edition
- An end to the nepotism?
- Commercial demockracy - 2012 edition
- Which Harvard man do you want?
- Commercial demockracy - 2016 edition
- Which New Yorker do you want - realtor or senator?
- Commercial demockracy - 2020 edition
- Which septuagenarian do you want?
- Commercial demockracy - 2024 edition
- A convicted felon, or
the father of one a prosecutor of felons?
- Conspiracy theory
- In Oliver Stone's "JFK", Jim Garrison's co-worker is Newman from "Seinfeld".
- Couple's right to choose
- Exercised at conception.
- Culture wars
- How to get turkeys voting for Thanksgiving.
- Darwin, Charles (1809 - 1882)
- Cambridge's most famous theology student.
- Declaration of Independence
- The pursuit of Happiness and merciless Indian Savages.
- Defense of Marriage
- Legislation drafted by divorced politicians.
- Diversion, exclusion, and inequality.
- Dell
- An Enron "E," and it doesn't rhyme with Heaven!
- Department of Government Efficiency
- Striving to duplicate the Government Acccountability Office.
- Developer
- Turns soil into sprawl.
- Dick Cheney Blues
Got drunk /
Shot a guy /
Sent to the Big House
Stayed in the White House
- Driving
- Something to do while you're talking on the phone.
- Edison, Thomas Alva (1847 - 1931)
- New Jersey's most famous applied physicist.
- Einstein, Albert (1879 - 1955)
- New Jersey's most famous theoretical physicist.
- English orthography
- If it gets past the smell-checker, it must be rite.
- Entrepreneurship
- A nation of shopkeepers [Napoleon Bonaparte].
- Fast color
- Slow to fade.
- Fast food
- Food that makes you want to fast.
- Ferrari, Lexus, Mercedes, ...
- Why are the best cars made by Axis Powers?
- Fitness club
- Where you take the elevator to reach the stair machines.
- Five-hundred year flood
- A natural disaster occuring every fifteen years.
- Flyover country
- Keeping the bi-coastals at a safe distance of 35,000ft.
- Forward-looking statement
- Wishful thinking.
- Fossil fuel
- Efficient long-term storage of solar energy.
- Gerrymandering
- How politicians choose their voters.
- Give peace a chance
- --- John Lennon (1969)
- Give war a chance
- --- George W. Bush (2007)
- Hangover
- The wrath of grapes [Anon, with apologies to John Steinbeck].
- Heaven
- French cooks and English police, Swiss engineers and Italian lovers.
- Hell
- English cooks and French police, Italian engineers and Swiss lovers.
- Hermit
- Head of a 1-person household.
- Hilbert, David (1862 - 1943)
- A mathematician who had problems.
- History lesson
- Your enemy's enemy is not your friend.
- Holy roller
- Semi-trailer plastered with pseudo-religious slogans.
- Homo sapiens
- The only species foolish enough to call itself "wise".
- Housework
- Sweeping away cobwebs and hanging out flypaper.
- Human resources
- Treating people like mineral resources.
- Hypocrisy
- The Vaseline® of political intercourse [Pieter-Dirk Uys].
- "I" before "E", except after "C"
- A weird rule.
- Ignorance
- The blissful state of mind in which you know all the answers.
- Immigration laws
- How Big Government interferes with the free movement of labor.
- Inauguration Day 2005
- Washington under lockdown to "Celebrate Freedom."
- Inauguration Day 2009
- When Cheney was wheeled away.
- Inauguration Day 2013
- Fake it wth Beyoncé!
- Inauguration Day 2017
- When "Don's Johns" needed a cover-up.
- Inauguration Day 2021
- Apprentice host told: You're fired!
- ... and that god is Mammon.
- Iowa
- Where "REPUBLICAN LEADER RANTS" wasn't always a complete sentence.
- iPod
- Hearing aid trainer.
- Israeli history
- From lifeboat to gunboat.
- Jeb Bush!
- Slogan of Republicans in Florida and democrats in Slovakia.
- Journal peer review
- A filter that is opaque to originality.
- Land of the free
- Country with the world's highest incarceration rate.
- Liberal
- Left-wing in America and right-wing in Australia.
- Logo
- How much does Mr. Hilfiger pay you to advertise him?
- Love
- A temporary insanity curable by marriage [Ambrose Bierce].
- Mayflower
- One of America's first boatloads of illegal immigrants.
- Money Deposited? Publication Immediate!
- Mean value
- Fifty percent of the population are of below average intelligence.
- Midwest
- The region of the US comprising Normal, Illinois and Peculiar, Missouri.
- Modern times
- The intelligence may be artificial, but the stupidity is real.
- Mortality
- The spice of life.
- National Rifle Association
- Denying your Second Amendment right to have the militia well regulated.
- National RPG Association
- Defending your Second Amendment right to own rocket-propelled grenades.
- Neo-con
- However neo, still a con.
- Numerical analysis
- Trying to run analogue models on digital machines.
- Obamacare
- The nationwide version of Romneycare.
- Optimist
- A person who confidently believes that we are living in the best of all possible worlds.
- Pessimist
- A person who very much fears that we are living in the best of all possible worlds.
- Planck length
- 10-38 miles.
- Police department
- A union shop.
- Pop culture
- Knowing that Paris Hilton is not a hotel.
- Pornography
- It's not the teat, it's the tumidity [William Safire].
- Presbyopia
- An eye condition that makes Methodists appear blurry.
- Probability theory
- Doctrine that the universe contains almost nothing.
- Prince Charles' job description
- Wait for your mother to die (by the way, her mother lived to 100).
- Princess Diana
- Gave whole new meaning to the term "barf queen."
- Rap
- Neo-doggerel, à la McGonagall.
- Reality show
- Artificial entertainment.
- Redundancy
- Rice pilaf and apple cider bought and paid for with cash money from the ATM.
- Republican
- Left-wing in Spain and right-wing in America.
- Rhyming dictionary
- Connects copulation with population.
- Science in the second millennium
- A relentless quest for truth.
- Science in the third millennium
- A relentless quest for grant money.
- September 11, 2001
- When several thousand people died --- of malaria.
- September 12, 2001
- When several thousand people died --- of malaria.
- Smartphones
- How humanity was hacked.
- Social media
- Weapons of mass distraction.
- South African history
- From Botha to Thabo.
- Sports teams
- Eagles, Tigers, and other endangered species.
- Stars and Stripes
- Accessory used to decorate Japanese cars and trucks.
- Star Trek
- Their ongoing mission:
To boldly split infinitives no man has split before.
- Student loan
- The first step on the path to indentured servitude.
- "Support our troops ..."
- ... and other government workers.
- Swimming
- Activity conducted in sewage or in dilute hydrochloric acid.
- Text message
- 2 B R 0 2 B i.e. ? [William Shakespeare].
- Think-tank scholar
- Oxymoron.
- Touch screen
- A greasy picture.
- Unborn child
- Concept that makes sense to an undeceased corpse.
- United States history
- From George the Third to George the Forty-Third.
- University bookstore
- For the sale of print media, mainly T-shirts.
- Values
- What politicians profess when they don't have any idea.
- Vegetarianism
- It's OK to eat them if they don't belong to our kingdom.
- Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water
- From the coast of Austria?
- W
- Put the pot in POTUS.
- War on drugs
- Prohibition Mark II.
- War on terror
- Someone got stung? Let's stir up the hornets' nest!
- What SETI should be asking
- Is there intelligent life on Earth?
- What would Jesus drive?
- A full-size pickup, like any self-respecting carpenter.
- White is black
- True statement from news reports on the 2001 Ashcroft confirmation hearings.
- Words that George Carlin couldn't say on TV
- Monosyllabic synonyms of defecate, micturate, impregnate, ...
- What you see is what you get -- even if it isn't what you want.
- Zero-emissions vehicle
- Pollutes from the power plant instead of the tailpipe.
- Zinbiel
- How a topologist spells "Leibniz".
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