English/English dictionary


The trunk is the boot, but the boot is a clamp. The top is the hood, while the hood is the bonnet. A cart is a trolley, but a trolley is a tram, and a tram is an aerial ropeway.

Confused? This modest American-English to English-English and English-English to American-English dictionary is intended to clear the waters of the ocean that joins the English-speaking peoples.

© 2006-2021 J.D.H. Smith

American English

English English



ARM tracker mortgage
A-shirt singlet
Asian East Asian
athletics sport
ATM hole in the wall
ATV quad bike
(literally: a two-wheeled vehicle with four wheels)


backhead (of boiler) faceplate
baked potato jacket potato
bakery confectioner
baking soda baking powder
banger gang member
baseboard skirting
basement cellar
bathrobe dressing gown
BB gun air pistol
beater (old) banger
beefeater person who eats beef
bellhop (hotel) porter
biking cycling
bill (currency) banknote
billion thousand million
birder twitcher
biscuit scone
blinders blinkers
boardwalk (seaside) pier
bodega off-licence
boot (on car) clamp
bowling pin skittle
brat sausage
brush (teeth) clean (teeth)
bum tramp
bus bus or coach
butt bum


caboose guard's van
can (of food) tin
cane (walking) stick
car (of train) (passenger) coach, (freight) wagon
cart (shopping) trolley
cell phone mobile (phone)
Chapter 11 (bankruptcy) in administration
checkers draughts
chips crisps
Chuck Charlie
Chutes and Ladders Snakes and Ladders
coat jacket
conductor (on train) guard
cord (electrical) flex
corn maize, corn-on-the-cob
could care less couldn't care less
counterclockwise anticlockwise
cutlery kitchen knives


diaper nappy
dish soap washing up liquid
doing the dishes washing up
drugstore chemist
duct tape gaffer tape
dumpster skip


elevator lift; (grain) silo
engineer (locomotive) engine driver
Episcopalian Anglican
express parcels


faculty (university) staff
fag (perj.) (male) homosexual
far-sighted long-sighted
fender (of car) wing, mudguard
filibuster talk (bill) out of time
fired (employee) sacked
first floor ground floor
fishing pole fishing rod
fish stick fish finger
flashlight torch
flat puncture
flatware cutlery and crockery
fluesheet (of boiler) tubeplate
flyer leaflet
foamer gricer
football American football (where hands are used to carry and throw the ball)
freeway (possibly with tolls) motorway
French fries chips
frosting (on cake) icing


garbage rubbish
gas(oline) petrol
gear kit
girl scout girl guide
glasses spectacles
goon thug
grade crossing level crossing
graduate student postgraduate student
green onion spring onion
ground (electrical) earth
ground beef minced beef
grunt squaddy


half staff half mast
handicapped parking disabled parking
Hank Harry
headlight headlamp
hide-and-go-seek hide-and-seek
high school sixth form college
highway main road
hockey ice hockey
home inspection house survey
hood (of car) bonnet
hoof-and-mouth disease foot and mouth disease


industrial park industrial estate
intermission (theatre, concert) interval
interstate (highway) motorway
IV drip


jelly jam
jello jelly
jump rope skipping rope


kerosene paraffin


lane carriageway
laundromat laundrette
liberal left-wing
line (stand in) queue
liquor store off-licence
local union branch
loo lieutenant
loppers pruning shears
lost and found lost property
lumber timber
lunch truck snack van


mad angry
Main Street High Street
mall shopping centre
midway fairground
motor car platelayers' trolley
multiple-choice question tick-box question
muriatic acid hydrochloric acid


Napa cabbage Chinese leaf
napkin serviette
National Guard Territorial Army
near-sighted short-sighted
nerd anorak


oatmeal (hot) porridge
outage power cut


pants trousers
parking garage (multi-storey) car park
parkway clearway
pavement road
penitentiary prison
period (punctuation) full stop
pharmacist chemist
pink slip P45
pinky little finger
pin (lapel) badge
pocketbook purse
Ponzi scheme pyramid scheme
poop poo
potluck Jacob's join
pound sign hash mark
produce fruit and vegetables
public housing council house
public school state school
purse handbag


Quonsett hut Nissen hut


ramp (freeway) slip road
rappel abseil
realtor estate agent
rental car hire car
Republican member of the Republican Party
ride lift
rock stone
rubber (hygienic) condom


sacking tackling
sailboat yacht
sanitary napkin tampon
Saran Wrap® cling film
school school or university
Scotch® tape Sellotape®
sedan saloon (car)
set-top box digibox
shoestring shoelace
shorts pants
skid loader mini-tracker
skillet frying-pan
smokestack chimney
sneakers trainers
sod turf
solicitor hawker (door-to-door salesman)
spelunking potholing
stack (smoke-) chimney
station wagon estate car
stroller buggy
sucker lollipop
supervisor (county) county councillor
switch (railroad activity) shunt
switch (railroad track) points


table (a motion) withdraw
tacky naff
Taps Last Post
tea towel teacloth
teeter-totter see-saw
throttle (of steam locomotive) regulator
tie (railroad) sleeper
tie (result of a sporting match) draw
"Times" (newspaper) The New York, New York "New York Times"
top (of convertible) hood
track and field athletics
traffic circle roundabout
tram aerial ropeway
transportation transport
trash rubbish
trash talk sledging
trillion billion
trolley tram
truck farm market garden
trunk (of car) boot
turned on/off switched on/off
tuxedo dinner jacket


undershirt vest


vaudeville music hall
vest waistcoat


walker Zimmer frame
wedding band wedding ring
weed-eater, weed-whacker strimmer
windshield windscreen
wrench spanner


yard garden


zee zed
zip code postcode

English English

American English



abseil rappel
(in) administration Chapter 11 (bankruptcy)
air pistol BB gun
Anglican Episcopalian
anorak nerd
anticlockwise counterclockwise
ASBO Anti-Social Behaviour Order
Asian South Asian
athletics track and field


badge (lapel) pin
baking powder baking soda
banger sausage
banger (old) beater
beefeater Yeoman Warder (guard at the Tower of London)
billion trillion
biscuit cookie
blinkers blinders
bonnet (of car) hood
boot (of car) trunk
brat obnoxious child
buggy stroller
bum butt


cane bamboo stick used for corporal punishment
carriageway lane
cellar basement
Charlie Chuck
chemist (cash) pharmacist, drugstore
chimney smokestack
Chinese leaf Napa cabbage
chips French fries
clamp (on car) boot
clean (teeth) brush (teeth)
clearway parkway
cling film Saran Wrap®
coach (of train) passenger car
coach (road) long-distance bus
confectioner bakery
council house public housing
councillor (county) county supervisor
crisps chips
crockery flatware (plates and dushes)
cutlery flatware (knives, forks, spoons)
cycling biking
cwt. (hundredweight) 112 pounds


digibox set-top box
dinner jacket tuxedo
disabled parking handicapped parking
draughts checkers
draw (result of a sporting match) tie
dressing gown bathrobe
drip IV
driver (engine) engineer


earth (electrical) ground
estate agent realtor
estate car station wagon


faceplate (of boiler) backhead
faculty (university) department
fag (colloq.) cigarette
fairground midway
fish finger fish stick
fishing rod fishing pole
flat apartment
flex (electrical) cord
foot and mouth disease hoof-and-mouth disease
football soccer
fortnight two weeks
frying-pan skillet
full stop period


gaffer tape duct tape
garden yard
girl guide girl scout
goon comedian
gricer foamer
ground floor first floor
guard (on train) conductor
guard's van caboose


half mast half staff
handbag purse
Harry Hank
hash mark pound sign
headlamp headlight
hide-and-seek hide-and-go-seek
High Street Main Street
hire car rental car
hockey field hockey
hole in the wall ATM
hood (of car) (convertible) top
house survey home inspection
hundredweight 112 pounds


icing (on cake) frosting
industrial estate industrial park
interval (theater, concert) intermission


jacket coat
jacket potato baked potato
jam jelly
jelly jello
Jacob's join potluck


kit gear


Last Post Taps
laundrette laundromat
leaflet flyer
level crossing grade crossing
liberal centrist
lift elevator; ride
local neighborhood bar
lollipop sucker
lollipop (wo)man school crossing guard
long-sighted far-sighted
loo toilet
lorry (road) truck (heavier than a pickup)
lost property lost and found
lumber junk


mad crazy
market garden truck farm
minced beef ground beef
mini-tracker skid loader
mobile (phone) cell phone
motor car automobile
motorway freeway (possibly with tolls)
multi-storey car park parking garage
music hall vaudeville


naff tacky
nappy diaper
nearside (of vehicle) passenger side
Nissen hut Quonsett hut
nought zero, nothing


off-licence bodega, liquor store
offside (of vehicle) driver's side


P45 pink slip
pants shorts
paraffin kerosene
pavement sidewalk
petrol gasoline
pier (seaside) boardwalk
points (railway track) switch
poo poop
poop rear deck of ship
porridge oatmeal (hot)
porter (hotel) bellhop
postcode zip code
postgraduate student graduate student
potholing spelunking
power cut outage
pruning shears loppers
public house bar
public school private school
purse pocketbook
pyramid scheme Ponzi scheme


quad bike
(literally: a two-wheeled vehicle with four wheels)
queue (stand in) line


rambling hiking
rates property taxes
regulator (of steam locomotive) throttle
Republican Irish nationalist
roundabout traffic circle
rubber (stationery) eraser
rubbish garbage, trash


sacked (employee) fired
saloon (car) sedan
school grade school
scone biscuit
see-saw teeter-totter
Sellotape® Scotch® tape
serviette napkin
shoelace shoestring
shopping centre mall
shorts short pants
short-sighted near-sighted
shunt (railway activity) switch
singlet A-shirt
sixth form college high school
skip dumpster
skipping rope jump rope
skirting baseboard
skittle bowling pin
sledging trash talk
sleeper (railroad) tie
slip road freeway ramp
snack van lunch truck
Snakes and Ladders Chutes and Ladders
solicitor attorney
spanner wrench
spectacles glasses
spring onion green onion
squaddy grunt
stick (walking-) cane
stone rock
stone (weight) 14 pounds
strimmer weed-eater, weed-whacker
switched on/off turned on/off


table (a motion) propose
talk (bill) out of time filibuster
teacloth tea towel
Territorial Army National Guard
tick-box question multiple-choice question
"Times" (newspaper) The London "Times"
tin (of food) can
torch flashlight
tracker mortgage ARM
trainers sneakers
tramp bum
transport transportation
transportation punishment by exile (to Australia, Georgia, or other penal colony)
trolley (supermarket) (shopping) cart
tubeplate (of boiler) fluesheet
turf sod
twitcher birder


vest undershirt
vicar Anglican (Episcopalian) priest


wagon (of train) freight car
waistcoat vest
walking stick cane
washing up doing the dishes
washing up liquid dish soap
wedding ring wedding band
windscreen windshield
wing (of car) fender


yacht sailboat


zed zee
Zimmer frame walker