![]() Mathematics 301A: Abstract AlgebraInstructor: Jonathan Smith, 496 Carver, 4-8172 (voice mail) e-mail: jdhsmithATmathDOTiastateDOTedu (substitute punctuation)
Office Hours: Mon. 11am, 2:10 pm, 5:30pm; Wed. 11am, 2:10pm (subject to change)
Grading: 10% for each of three graded homework assignments, 20% for each of two in-class tests, and 30% for the final (Wed. 12/13, 9:45-11:45am, Carver 132).
Textbook: J.A. Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 6th ed., Houghton Mifflin, ISBN 0-618-51461-6
Study Plan: reserve 1 - 2 hours for homework between each pair of classes. Successful performance in the class depends critically on completion of the homework assignments.
Syllabus: Groups and rings, selected topics from Parts 1, 2, 3. Homework AssignmentsClick here for Practice Final12/1 for 12/4: pp.315-6, Ex. 6, 7, 8. 11/29 for 12/1: p.316, Ex. 12. Third graded homework due 11/27: Three questions from pp.254-6, Ex. 4, 6, 18, 26, 38. 11/13 for 11/15: pp.298-9, Ex. 1, 6. Click here for Practice Test #2 11/3 for 11/6: p.241, Ex. 8, 12, 13. Second graded homework due 10/30: Three questions from p.148, Ex. 14; p.194, Ex. 50, 52; p.213, Ex. 44, 52. 10/23 for 10/25: pp.82-3, Ex. 4, 8, 10, 11, 17. 10/20 for 10/23: p.212, Ex. 29. 10/18 for 10/20: p.191, Ex. 7; pp.213, Ex. 49. 10/16 for 10/18: p.191, Ex. 1, 5; pp.210-1, Ex. 4, 7. Click here for Practice Test #1 10/4 for 10/6: pp.68-70, Ex. 20, 46. 10/2 for 10/4: pp.23-5, Ex. 11, 48. 9/22 for 9/25: p.55, Ex. 25. First graded homework due 9/27: Three questions from pp.54-5, Ex. 14, 26, 28; pp.112-3, Ex. 9, 22. Challenge Problem 3: Can you give a geometrical or combinatorial rule to determine which pairs of 3-cycles in A4 multiply to a 3-cycle, and which multiply to an element of V4? 9/18 for 9/20: p.113, Ex. 18(b), 15, 12. 9/15 for 9/18: p.55, Ex. 16 (first proof only), 18, 20. 9/13 for 9/15: p.56, Ex. 37; p.114, Ex. 40. 9/11 for 9/13: pp.113-4, Ex. 18(a), 30. 9/8 for 9/11: p.26, Ex. 53. Practice "graded" homework due 9/1: pp.23-4, Ex. 4, 10, 14, 18, 19. Challenge Problem 2: In how many ways can 1 be expressed as a linear combination 1 = s 5 + t 7with integer coefficients s and t ? (The challenge is to prove that your claim is correct.) 8/25 for 8/28: p.23, Ex. 12. 8/23 for 8/25: p.23, Ex. 1, 2. Challenge Problem 1: Prove the Well-Ordering Principle. 8/21 for 8/23: p.23, Ex. 5, 6. |